Saturday, July 1, 2023

Ankle-targeted exosuit resistance increases paretic propulsion in people post-stroke


I see nothing here that suggests they are solving the spasticity problem in walking.

Since 30% of survivors that have spasticity, they are screwed in walking recovery.

 Right now I have zero propulsion, the whole leg is swung from the hip.

Ankle-targeted exosuit resistance increases paretic propulsion in people post-stroke



Individualized, targeted, and intense training is the hallmark of successful gait rehabilitation in people post-stroke. Specifically, increasing use of the impaired ankle to increase propulsion during the stance phase of gait has been linked to higher walking speeds and symmetry. Conventional progressive resistance training is one method used for individualized and intense rehabilitation, but often fails to target paretic ankle plantarflexion during walking. Wearable assistive robots have successfully assisted ankle-specific mechanisms to increase paretic propulsion in people post-stroke, suggesting their potential to provide targeted resistance to increase propulsion, but this application remains underexamined in this population. This work investigates the effects of targeted stance-phase plantarflexion resistance training with a soft ankle exosuit on propulsion mechanics in people post-stroke.


We conducted this study in nine individuals with chronic stroke and tested the effects of three resistive force magnitudes on peak paretic propulsion, ankle torque, and ankle power while participants walked on a treadmill at their comfortable walking speeds. For each force magnitude, participants walked for 1 min while the exosuit was inactive, 2 min with active resistance, and 1 min with the exosuit inactive, in sequence. We evaluated changes in gait biomechanics during the active resistance and post-resistance sections relative to the initial inactive section.


Walking with active resistance increased paretic propulsion by more than the minimal detectable change of 0.8 %body weight at all tested force magnitudes, with an average increase of 1.29 ± 0.37 %body weight at the highest force magnitude. This improvement corresponded to changes of 0.13 ± 0.03 N m kg− 1 in peak biological ankle torque and 0.26 ± 0.04 W kg− 1 in peak biological ankle power. Upon removal of resistance, propulsion changes persisted for 30 seconds with an improvement of 1.49 ± 0.58 %body weight after the highest resistance level and without compensatory involvement of the unresisted joints or limb.


Targeted exosuit-applied functional resistance of paretic ankle plantarflexors can elicit the latent propulsion reserve in people post-stroke. After-effects observed in propulsion highlight the potential for learning and restoration of propulsion mechanics. Thus, this exosuit-based resistive approach may offer new opportunities for individualized and progressive gait rehabilitation.


Stroke is a leading cause of motor disability, with over 100 million survivors worldwide [1]. Of these survivors, over 80% are left with locomotor dysfunction [2], resulting in slow and asymmetric gait presentations [3]. The incidence of stroke is projected to continue increasing over the next few decades [4], and thus presents an imminent challenge for independence and quality of life [5] for members of our communities. Reduced propulsive force generated by the paretic, or more affected, limb is a major contributor to these impairments, and leads to the inability of the individual to effectively propel the body forward [6]. This reduced paretic propulsion is partially due to weakness in the paretic ankle plantarflexor muscles [7], which leads to reduced ankle torque production, a key driver of propulsion [8]. Consequently, there is growing interest in rehabilitation programs that aim to increase paretic propulsion by targeting ankle function during the stance phase, when forward propulsion is generated, towards achieving the functional outcome of increased gait speed [9].

Among methods that improve speed and propulsion, those that elicit the latent propulsion reserve through high-intensity training have been shown to be particularly promising [10]. The presence of latent propulsion reserve is typically demonstrated as an increase in an individual’s propulsion while increasing the difficulty of the locomotor task, such as by increasing surface inclination [11] or resisting the entire body during walking [12]. However, this extra propulsion can be generated by ankle-level mechanisms (i.e., ankle kinetics) or limb-level mechanisms (i.e., proximal kinematics) [8]. Simulations suggest that traditional methods of engaging the latent propulsion reserve, such as through passive resistive elements acting on the patient’s limbs (e.g., elastic bands attached at the pelvis opposing forward motion, or weights added to the foot) [12,13,14], typically result in larger involvement of the proximal joints and affect the entire gait cycle rather than targeting the ankle in stance [15]. Over the past two decades, several wearable robotic systems for assisting the ankle during walking have demonstrated the ability to increase paretic propulsion [16] through ankle-specific mechanisms [17]. Based on the principles of high-intensity and task-specific training [18], a wearable robotic system that resists the ankle during walking may be an important approach, particularly for patients with higher propulsive capacities. Currently, however, targeted resistance training of the paretic ankle plantarflexors during stance for people post-stroke has yet to be investigated.

Most robotic systems developed for resistance training emulate conventional methods [19,20,21,22], resulting in a lack of specificity to paretic propulsion. Wearable devices offer the capability to provide controlled torques to target a specific joint and phase in the gait cycle. Consequently, some groups have developed systems for targeted swing-phase resistance in post-stroke [23] and healthy populations [24, 25], and have shown adaptations in joint kinematics that indicate increased ankle use. More recent work has shown that targeted stance-phase resistance can increase plantarflexor muscle activity in people with cerebral palsy [26] and healthy individuals [27, 28]. However, people post-stroke present with gait biomechanics and adaptation responses to perturbations that are different from both of these populations [29,30,31,32]. Thus, there is a need to explore the use of a wearable resistive robotic system for increasing paretic propulsion in stance for people post-stroke.

One challenge for developing a resistive paradigm with a wearable device is identifying the appropriate parameters of resistance. Prior literature has shown the sensitivity of users to the magnitude of active ankle resistance in able-bodied individuals [28] and passive resistance in post-stroke individuals [33]. For example, excessive resistance can lead to compensatory gait patterns that increase use of the unresisted proximal joints or limb, as evidenced by changes in limb loading or joint kinematics. Perspectives from the challenge point theory [34, 35] further support the importance of individualizing the challenge level during training to maximize retention of the learned task. Thus, there is a need for structured investigation of the effects of resistance parameters on post-stroke gait response to stance-phase ankle resistance.

An effective resistance training paradigm is one that induces learning of increased ankle use towards generating propulsion. Evidence of learning in the motor learning field is often obtained from after-effects in the few steps immediately following a perturbation [25, 27, 36], representing the persistence of an individual’s adapted state [37]. However, measuring after-effects following exoskeleton-based training has traditionally been challenging due to the added distal inertia of rigid devices, which requires a user to first doff the device, and thus may prevent capturing newly learned gait patterns. By design, the cable-driven soft exosuit only consists of textile components at the distal end of the leg, and hence can be rapidly commanded to apply no forces by releasing tension in the cables (< 50ms) [38]. In this “slack” mode, the device is transparent to the user, resulting in similar kinematics and energetics to when walking without any device [39, 40]. This transparency allows for the measurement of gait immediately after resistance without stopping walking. This approach has been used to measure changes in ankle kinematics in healthy individuals after ankle-targeted resistance [28], but has yet to be applied to people post-stroke.

In this work, we leverage a soft, cable-driven, unilateral ankle exosuit [41] to investigate the biomechanical effects of targeted stance-phase ankle resistance across varying force magnitudes in chronic survivors of stroke. We hypothesized that with this targeted approach, we would engage individuals’ latent propulsion reserve through ankle-specific mechanisms, such as ankle kinetics and plantarflexor muscle activity. We expected to observe after-effects of increased propulsion compared to baseline for strides immediately following removal of the resistive force, due to the trained increase in ankle use. We also posited that with increased force magnitude, we would observe greater gains in propulsion metrics following resistance, but at the cost of increased use of the unresisted proximal joints and non-paretic limb, based on our prior work in healthy individuals [28]. To control for the effects of speed on joint kinetics and kinematics, we conducted this investigation on a treadmill with fixed walking speeds for each individual. We performed one additional proof-of-concept exploratory experiment to assess the value of an exosuit for resistive training in which individuals walked on a treadmill without any active resistance to quantify improvements in propulsion solely from treadmill training.

More at link.

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