Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Evaluating the usability of a co-designed power assisted exercise graphical user interface for people with stroke

 No clue how this is going to get survivors recovered since no mention is made of recovery. But the word salad used is great at obsfuscating everything, it missed the point of trying to sound intelligent.

Evaluating the usability of a co-designed power assisted exercise graphical user interface for people with stroke



Digital advancement of power assisted exercise equipment will advance exercise prescription for people with stroke (PwS). This article reports on the remote usability evaluation of a co-designed graphical user interface (GUI) and denotes an example of how video-conference software can increase reach to participants in the testing of rehabilitation technologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usability of two sequential versions of the GUI.


We adopted a mixed methods approach. Ten professional user (PU) (2M/8F) and 10 expert user (EU) participants (2M/8F) were recruited. Data collection included a usability observation, a ‘think aloud’ walk through, task completion, task duration and user satisfaction as indicated by the Post Study System Usability Questionnaire (PSSUQ). Identification of usability issues informed the design of version 2 which included an additional submenu. Descriptive analysis was conducted upon usability issues and number of occurrences detected on both versions of the GUI. Inferential analysis enabled comparison of task duration and PSSUQ data between the PU and EU groups.


Analysis of the ‘think aloud’ walkthrough data enabled identification of 22 usability issues on version 1 from a total of 100 usability occurrences. Task completion for all tasks was 100%. Eight usability issues were directly addressed in the development of version 2. Two recurrent and 24 new usability issues were detected in version 2 with a total of 86 usability occurrences. Paired two tailed T-tests on task duration data indicated a significant decrease amongst the EU group for task 1.1 on version 2 (P = 0.03). The mean PSSUQ scores for version 1 was 1.44 (EU group) and 1.63 (PU group) compared with 1.40 (EU group) and 1.41 (PU group) for version 2.


The usability evaluation enabled identification of usability issues on version 1 of the GUI which were effectively addressed on the iteration of version 2. Testing of version 2 identified usability issues within the new submenu. Application of multiple usability evaluation methods was effective in identifying and addressing usability issues in the GUI to improve the experience of PAE for PwS. The use of video-conference software to conduct synchronous, remote usability testing is an effective alternative to face to face testing methods.


Power assisted exercise

Engagement in physical exercise following stroke is associated with improved mobility, aerobic fitness, muscular strength and psychosocial wellbeing [1,2,3]. Importantly, aerobic exercise sustained at a moderate to high intensity reduces vascular and metabolic risk factors for recurrent stroke [4]. Guidelines on the optimal intensity, type and duration of exercise for People with Stroke (PwS) have been published [5]. However, people with complex motor impairment resulting from stroke experience difficulties in accessing conventional exercise equipment [6] and motor impairment can impede achievement of the required intensity for health benefits [7]. Whole body power assisted exercise equipment manufactured by Shapemaster© Global Ltd is safe and accessible for people with complex neurological impairments [8] or profound intellectual and multiple disabilities [9]. Shapemaster Global Ltd© operate a global distribution model through which the power assisted exercise equipment is purchased by providers of leisure, community and rehabilitation services. The recommended operating model comprises a circuit of between 8 and 12 machines and users transition around the circuit in sequence. Evaluation of the equipment amongst a sample of older adults indicated improved strength and balance associated with a 12-week programme of power assisted exercise [10]. PwS who engage in power assisted exercise (PAE) report physical and psychosocial benefits [11] and assisted cycling is known to improve aerobic fitness following stroke [12]. PwS and rehabilitation professionals identified that the development of effort detection technology synchronised with the power assisted exercise equipment would enable users to access a tailored exercise prescription and gain real time feedback on their exercise performance [13].

Individualised performance targets with real time feedback to optimise goal attainment has been identified as a priority in the design and development of technologies for PwS [14]. Biofeedback has been synchronised with gaming and virtual reality programmes to enhance the experience and efficacy of stroke rehabilitation interventions [15,16,17,18]. The development of assistive technologies in stroke rehabilitation is rapidly evolving; meaningful public involvement in their design, testing and evaluation is essential to ensure implementation of effective products which are fit for purpose in the intended setting [19].

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