Friday, August 25, 2023

Doing This Everyday Can Help Slow Down Brain Shrinking As You Get Older

Does your doctor have enough functioning brain cells to see that this might just recover your lost 5 cognitive years from your stroke or is your doctor using vitamins to recover your lost years?Vitamins can make your brain 3 years younger, study says

OR, does your doctor incompetently have nothing for recovering your lost cognition?


Doing This Everyday Can Help Slow Down Brain Shrinking As You Get Older

Our brain shrinks with age, but a larger brain volume means better brain health. Ryan Seacrest shared the hack on-air today that can help slow it down and reduce the risk of neurological diseases that occur naturally as you get older. People who do this everyday can help slow down brain shrinking... and you may love doing it, but not ever have time to do so:Try doing this every day to keep your brain volume up there:
Photo: Getty
Photo: Getty© Provided by On Air with Ryan Seacrest


People who take naps regularly have brains that appear 7 years younger than their biological age.

Who else is scheduling a nap into their day now?!

Watch the video above for more!

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