Sunday, September 17, 2023

Stroke and Alcohol -WSO advice

Well, the WSO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT GETTING TO 100% RECOVERY. So I don't listen to anything they babble about.  

Not for me, I'm using social connections to prevent dementia and that means going to bars with friends for live music.  

But what if you are using Guinness for blood thinning?

Guinness could really be good for you

A pint of the black stuff a day may work as well as a low dose aspirin to prevent heart clots that raise the risk of heart attacks.

Don't do this on your own, you know how deadly even one glass of alcohol is.

What about this?

Men must drink with male friends twice a week to stay healthy, study finds

 Do not bring this to your doctor's attention, you don't want to be responsible for an exploding head.

Light Alcohol Consumption Promotes Early Neurogenesis Following Ischemic Stroke in Adult C57BL/6J Mice 

And this for the opposite of what your doctor will say:

 Increased risk for all-cause dementia in people who abstain from alcohol

There is this line in one of my research findings:

Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a decreased risk of ischemic stroke.

Don't listen to me, I'm not medically trained, is your doctor up-to-date on all things stroke related?

The latest here:



Stroke and Alcohol -WSO advice

Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of stroke. Globally, excessive alcohol consumption is linked to over 1 million strokes each year.

Why does drinking alcohol increase the risk of stroke?

Drinking too much alcohol either regularly, or ‘one-of’ over consumption can increase your risk of stroke. This is because alcohol is linked to a number of other conditions which are associated with strokes: 

Hypertension – drinking too much alcohol increases your blood pressure. High blood pressure is associated with over half of all strokes. Regularly drinking can lead to damage to your circulatory system which increases your risk of stroke

Atrial Fibrillation – excessive alcohol consumption can trigger a heart condition called atrial fibrillation (AF). People with AF are five times more likely to experience a stroke. AF can cause blood to clot in the heart, if these clots break up or dislodge they can travel to the brain and cause a stroke. People who have AF related strokes are more likely to die or be seriously disabled following stroke. Alcohol can also interact with medications that your doctor has prescribed to treat AF. If you are taking a blood thinning medication (anticoagulant) called Warfarin, drinking alcohol can prevent your blood from clotting and increases your risk of bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) 

Diabetes – Alcohol can change how your body responds to insulin – the hormone that helps your body turn sugar in your blood into energy. This can lead to type 2 diabetes

Being overweight – being overweight increases your risk of having a stroke. Alcohol is very high in calories, so regularly drinking lots of alcohol can lead to weight gain or make it harder to lose weight 

Liver damage – too much alcohol can cause damage to the liver and prevent it producing substances that help your blood to clot. This can increase your chance of bleeding in the brain – known as a hemorrhagic stroke. 


What is a 'safe' level of alcohol consumption when it comes to stroke?

The upper daily limit is 2 units of alcohol for men and 1 unit of alcohol for women. An alcohol unit helps to measure and keep track of the alcohol you are consuming across a range of drinks. One unit is the equivalent 10ml of pure alcohol. Because different drinks have different levels of alcohol by volume (ABV) a single unit of alcohol is not the same thing as a single drink.

2 units equals

175ml of wine (12% ABV)

1 pint, 0r 500ml, of beer (3.6%)

2x 25ml of spirit (40% ABV)


Risk reduction

Sometimes we are in situations where we know we are likely to drink more than the recommended limit. While the health risks of doing this regularly are clear, for one of occasions, you can reduce the short-term risks to your health by: 

Setting and sticking to a limit on the total amount of alcohol you drink on any occasion 

Drinking more slowly 

Drinking with food 

Alternating alcoholic drinks with water 


Tips for reducing your alcohol consumption

Track your alcohol intake and look at how and when you could reduce your intake 

Have 2-3 consecutive alcohol-free days every week 

Replace alcoholic drinks with low or no-alcohol alternatives

Go small – instead of a large glass of wine, take a small glass, and instead of a pint, take a half or a small bottle

If you use alcohol to relax, find other healthier methods – exercise is a much healthier way to manage stress. 


When to get help

Cutting down on alcohol can be difficult if you are finding it hard to control your drinking, speak to your doctor who can signpost you to tools, information and support. 


1 in 4 people are at risk of stroke in their lifetime, but by taking simple steps almost all strokes can be prevented.

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