Thursday, October 5, 2023

Alterations in the preferred direction of individual arm muscle activation after stroke

 If you're not going to tell us exactly how this research is going to get survivors recovered. I'd have all of you, your mentors and senior researchers fired.

Alterations in the preferred direction of individual arm muscle activation after stroke

  • Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States

Introduction: Stroke survivors have challenges appropriately coordinating the multiple muscles, resulting in a deficit in motor control. Therefore, comprehending the mechanism underlying abnormal intermuscular coordination becomes crucial in developing effective rehabilitation strategies. Quantitative analyses have been employed at pairwise or multi-dimensional levels to understand the underlying mechanism of abnormal intermuscular coordination and its relationship to motor impairment. However, how alterations in individual muscle activation contribute to abnormal intermuscular coordination, motor impairment, and motor performance remains unclear. Thus, we investigated the alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscles after stroke and their relationship with stroke-induced changes in intermuscular coordination, clinical motor impairment, and qualities of motor performance during isometric force generation in the upper extremity.

Methods: Twenty-four stroke survivors and six age-matched controls were recruited and performed isometric force target matches while recording electromyographic signals from eight upper limb muscles. We determined the preferred activation direction of each muscle, evaluated abnormal intermuscular coordination through a muscle synergy analysis, assessed motor impairment using upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment scores, and examined motor performance characteristics defined by force trajectory features.

Results: The post-stroke alterations in the preferred direction of the brachioradialis, anterior, middle, and posterior deltoid were correlated with the motor impairment level and attributed to the changes in muscle synergy characteristics. Only alterations in the preferred direction of the brachioradialis and posterior deltoid activation in forward-backward and upward-downward axes were associated with the qualities of isometric force generation, respectively.

Discussion: These findings imply that alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscle activation contribute to various aspects of motor deficit following stroke. This insight may serve as a foundation for the development of innovative stroke neurorehabilitation approaches that take into account specific attributes of individual muscle activation, including their preferred activation direction.

1. Introduction

Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability in the United States and worldwide, with a significant portion of stroke survivors experiencing chronic motor impairments in their upper extremities, significantly restricting their daily activities (1, 2). A prominent deficit in stroke survivors’ motor control arises from abnormal intermuscular coordination (36). Effective movement coordination is a vital skill that enables individuals to navigate the extensive degrees of freedom associated with motor redundancy (7) or abundance (8). Stroke survivors often have challenges executing complex motor tasks appropriately because of the impaired ability to activate and coordinate multiple muscles normally (9, 10). Therefore, comprehending the mechanism underlying abnormal intermuscular coordination becomes crucial in developing effective rehabilitation strategies that restore motor function and enhance the overall quality of life for stroke survivors.

Many studies have examined abnormal intermuscular coordination following stroke, aiming to unravel the underlying mechanisms contributing to motor impairments. For the upper extremity, abnormal intermuscular coordination was introduced and qualitatively described based on the visual observation of characteristic movement or postural patterns after stroke (11, 12). Stroke survivors often exhibit stereotypical movement patterns characterized by simultaneous shoulder abduction and elbow flexion (Flexion synergy) or shoulder adduction and elbow extension (Extension synergy). Later, quantitative analyses have been employed at pairwise or multi-dimensional levels to characterize intermuscular coordination and its relationship to motor impairment. For example, previous human studies have shown that increased co-contraction of antagonistic muscle pairs in a single joint, such as the wrist or elbow joint, correlates with the severity of motor impairment after stroke (1316). Also, unique co-activation patterns between pairwise muscles in the elbow and shoulder joints have been identified in the paretic limb after stroke (3). Recent studies have utilized dimensionality reduction techniques to identify abnormal co-activation patterns, called abnormal muscle synergies, following stroke (5, 6, 1719). They also examined an association between the abnormal muscle co-activation and other motor impairments, such as abnormal compensatory shoulder abduction and elevation during force target matches at the hand (5, 6), abnormal force coupling under isomeric conditions (17), and clinical motor impairment assessment scores (5, 6, 18, 19). However, to comprehensively understand alterations in intermuscular coordination after stroke, it is necessary to investigate how alterations in individual muscles contribute to abnormal co-contraction or co-activation post-stroke.

Investigating the preferred direction of muscles is a valuable approach to studying the alterations in individual muscle activation related to abnormal intermuscular coordination involving multiple muscles. The concept of a preferred direction has been initially utilized to explore the relationship between motor cortical activity and movement direction. Previous studies have reported that each single-cell activity in the motor cortical area exhibits a peak discharge rate in a distinct preferred direction (2022). Similarly, previous studies have shown that muscle activity is directionally tuned (2224). Stroke-induced damage would result in changes in the preferred direction of muscles. A previous stroke study demonstrated consistent and statistically significant shifts in the preferred direction of the paretic limb during isometric force generation compared to the contralateral limb (3). However, the precise relationship of these shifts to intermuscular coordination, motor impairment, and the qualities of motor behavior remains unclear.

Upper limb rehabilitation has been developed to target abnormal intermuscular coordination, specifically addressing co-contraction, co-activation, or muscle synergies. In the context of using surface electromyographic (EMG) signals for therapeutic intervention (e.g., myoelectric computer interface for stroke rehabilitation), a fundamental concept involves mapping the activation magnitude of individual muscles involved in abnormal coordination to the displacement of a cursor on display in different directions to decrease the abnormal co-activation (25, 26). Another intervention concept involves mapping sets of motor modules, also known as muscle synergies, to different directions of cursor movement on display. This strategy attempts to enhance the modulation of the activation of motor modules (27). The previous studies have successfully mapped the activation of individual muscles or motor modules to specific directional movements of the cursor to provide visual feedback on motor performance. However, they did not consider the importance of tuning individual muscle or motor module activation in the appropriate movement or force control direction. Understanding the relationship between the altered preferred direction of muscles and impaired intermuscular coordination after stroke is important to optimize motor neurorehabilitation approaches targeting abnormal intermuscular coordination for stroke survivors.

This study aimed to investigate the alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscles after stroke and their relationship with stroke-induced changes in intermuscular coordination, clinical motor impairment, and qualities of motor performance during isometric force generation in the upper extremity. We hypothesized that stroke survivors would exhibit alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscles, and these changes would be associated with abnormal intermuscular coordination as quantified by muscle synergies, motor impairment assessed by upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA-UE) scores, and qualities of motor performance measured by force trajectory features. By exploring these associations, we aimed to understand better how alterations in the preferred direction of individual muscles contribute to the overall motor deficits observed following stroke.

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