Monday, December 4, 2023

Optimizing performance through intrinsic motivation and attention for learning: The OPTIMAL theory of motor learning

Nothing here is going to help stroke survivors recover because the problem is lack of 100% recovery protocols; NOT PATIENT MOTIVATION!

Motivation is extremely easy to understand and implement. 

Write up 100% recovery protocols on this and survivors will do the millions of reps needed, no external motivation required. You don't understand one goddamn thing about stroke survivors, DO YOU? The problem is stroke researchers are not motivated to solve stroke. What the fuck is your solution to that failure? We still don't know how to motivate stroke medical 'professionals' to solve stroke to 100% recovery!

 Optimizing performance through intrinsic motivation and attention for learning: The OPTIMAL theory of motor learning

Gabriele Wulf
1 Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences, University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154-3034, USA
2 Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, Downey, CA,
3 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Optimizing performance through intrinsic motivation
and attention for learning: The OPTIMAL theory
of motor learning
Gabriele Wulf 1 & Rebecca Lewthwaite 2,3
# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2016


Effective motor performance is important for sur-
viving and thriving, and skilled movement is critical in many
activities. Much theorizing over the past few decades has fo-
cused on how certain practice conditions affect the processing
of task-related information to affect learning. Yet, existing
theoretical perspectives do not accommodate significant re-
cent lines of evidence demonstrating motivational and atten-
tional effects on performance and learning. These include re-
search on (a) conditions that enhance expectancies for future
performance, (b) variables that influence learners autonomy,
and (c) an external focus of attention on the intended move-
ment effect. We propose the OPTIMAL (Optimizing
Performance through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for
Learning) theory of motor learning. We suggest that motiva-
tional and attentional factors contribute to performance and
learning by strengthening the coupling of goals to actions.
We provide explanations for the performance and learning
advantages of these variables on psychological and neurosci-
entific grounds. We describe a plausible mechanism for ex-
pectancy effects rooted in responses of dopamine to the antic-
ipation of positive experience and temporally associated with
skill practice. Learner autonomy acts perhaps largely through
an enhanced expectancy pathway. Furthermore, we consider 
the influence of an external focus for the establishment of
efficient functional connections across brain networks that
subserve skilled movement. We speculate that enhanced ex-
pectancies and an external focus propel performers’ cognitive
and motor systems in productive “forward” directions and
prevent “backsliding” into self- and non-task focused states.
Expected success presumably breeds further success and helps
consolidate memories. We discuss practical implications and
future research directions.

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