Monday, December 18, 2023

Strategies to Improve Medical Communication

 Did you get ANY useful communications from your stroke medical 'professionals'?

I got none, my doctor knew nothing and did nothing. My therapists never told me the chances of recovery or the  expected outcomes of the interventions I was doing. 

 I should expect;

  1. Percentage efficacy of the intervention

  2. Number of repetitions required to get recovered.

  3. The research that backs up the suggested repetitions and efficacy

If you have none of that you don't have a functioning anything in stroke!


Strategies to Improve Medical Communication

JAMA. Published online December 7, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.23430

Accurate and clear medical information helps patients better manage their health, improves treatment adherence, and reduces health care costs, all of which help improve quality of life.1 Medical communication is the provision of information about disease prevention, diagnosis, and management, including the risks and benefits of treatment and nontreatment. While medical communication has historically referred to verbal or written communication between a clinician and patient, communication through other sources, such as social media channels and video sharing, have expanded the message format and the audience. This article proposes effective medical communication strategies for clinicians and focuses on 3 aspects: the message, messenger, and social context (Figure).

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