Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Stroke survivors denied best chance of recovery by rehab design

Well duh! That knowledge has been out for years.

Stroke survivors denied best chance of recovery by rehab design

The Novell project found that new stroke rehabilitation units should provide better access and visual connection to the outdoors. Picture supplied 
The Novell project found that new stroke rehabilitation units should provide better access and visual connection to the outdoors. Picture supplied

Victorian stroke survivors are being denied the best chance of recovery because most of the state's rehabilitation centres are not "purpose built" to aid rehabilitation.

That's the view of Julie Bernhardt from brain research institute The Florey, who said research suggests people with potential to recover from stroke could do much better in the right environment.

Professor Bernhardt said about 70 per cent of rehabilitation facilities in Victoria are not adequately built for purpose, and many more were designed using an acute care model.

"Rather than encouraging stroke survivors to be active, many facilities subliminally encourage them to stay in their rooms, often in bed and alone," Professor Bernhardt said.

"This is not helpful in promoting recovery after stroke."

Professor Bernhardt is co-lead researcher of the Neuroscience Optimised Virtual Environments Living Lab (NOVELL) project.

The project aims to inspire healthcare providers and designers to create stroke rehab spaces that are innovative, more supportive of patient autonomy, and encourage activity and rest as part of the recovery journey.

According to The Stroke Foundation, about 10,000 people with stroke were admitted for inpatient rehabilitation across Australia in 2020, with an average stay of 14 days.

The 'living lab' approach incorporates virtual reality technology and a collaborative design strategy, integrating ideas from stroke survivors, clinicians, architects, neuroscientists and policy makers.

"Our wards include carefully designed shared bedrooms where stroke survivors would have access to essential privacy and quiet time for rest, while also having opportunity to be stimulated through incidental social interactions with fellow stroke survivors, visitors and staff," Professor Bernhardt said.

"There's also some evidence suggesting that people in shared rooms are less likely to fall."

Foundation objectives were to build:

  • A positive and stimulating environment, including communal spaces and other destinations to encourage people to get out of their bedrooms and keep active
  • Versatile spaces that can be adapted to meet different preferences and needs
  • Bedrooms that have all the benefits of both a single room and a shared bedroom
  • Easier navigation to build patient confidence in leaving the room
  • Better lines of sight and visibility between stroke survivors and staff
  • Better access and visual connection to the outdoors

For more information click here.

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