Friday, January 5, 2024

4 ways to live longer without spending much money, according to SuperAgers from the world's Blue Zones


4 ways to live longer without spending much money, according to SuperAgers from the world's Blue Zones

You don't need to spend tons of money to improve your health and prolong lifespan. Cheap ways to improve your health include drinking tea and eating more beans.Free, simple habits like socializing and taking more walks can also add years to your life. Sorry to the tech execs and ultra-rich spending millions to live longer — the best things in life may actually be (almost) free, at least when it comes to boosting longevity. Some of the best evidence-based ways to extend your life are cheap, according to bestselling author Dan Buettner, who pioneered the research on Blue Zones, locations where residents have high rates of living into their 100s. Regions in Costa Rica, Italy, Greece, and even the US have some of the longest-living, healthiest residents on the planet, and Buettner explores what they have in common in a new book and Netflix docuseries. 8 high-fiber foods popular in Blue Zones where people often live to 100 Blue Zones are areas of the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives.
  • Their diets include lots of carbohydrates, and fiber, an important nutrient for digestion.
  • High-fiber foods common in Blue Zones include bread, beans, greens, and nuts. 
  • If you want to live a long, healthy life, there's good evidence that a healthy diet with enough fiber is key.  Foods rich in fiber, including plenty of carbohydrates, are featured prominently in diets in the Blue Zones, areas of the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives. Author Dan Buettner, popularized the concept of Blue Zones and has pioneered research on their residents, many of whom live to 100. By exploring what Blue Zones have in common in a new book and Netflix docuseries, Buettner shares tips that can help the rest of us extend our lifespan and health.  Japanese, Greek, Italian, and Costa Rican. While the specific foods vary, common high-fiber foods groups like beans, nuts, whole grains, herbs, and green veggies make up the backbone of Blue Zones diets, Buettner previously told Insider. digestive health stable blood sugar, and prevention of chronic illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Foods rich in fiber can also help with weight loss by keeping you full after eating. To reap the benefits, the FDA recommends consuming about 28 grams of fiber per day (or between 21-38 grams, depending on your overall calorie needs) Start adding more fiber to your diet by incorporating Blue Zones staples, from beans and greens to bread and nuts. "I have found that most of what people think leads to a long, healthy life is misguided or just plain wrong," Buettner said in the series. "Every year Americans spend billions of dollars on diet plans, gym memberships and supplements, but it's clearly not working for us."Instead of expensive vitamins or fancy fitness studios, SuperAgers seem to base their longevity routine on simple healthy habits like getting their daily steps in, socializing, and eating foods you probably already have in your pantry. And, they're things that won't break the banks, costing a few dollars or nothing at all. 

    Drink herbal tea for a boost of life-extending nutrients

    Not for me, I do coffee for dementia prevention.

    Sipping a longevity-boosting brew is nothing new, but most headlines about healthy beverages focus on trendy ingredients like matcha, expensive organic blends, or even coffee. While generally black and green teas and coffee can be good for you, a more humble health boost is available in the form of simple herbal teas.  In Ikaria, Greece, Buettner found SuperAgers enjoy herbal tea made from everyday herbs like sage, rosemary or easy-to-grow plants like common mallow. Plants used in herbal teas often contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and other micronutrients that can help improve digestion, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, according to  You can cultivate many herbs to make tea yourself, either in a small backyard or community garden, or even in simple indoor pots.

    Eat more beans for a cheap, accessible superfood

    Forget the keto diet: Blue Zone residents seem to thrive on eating plenty of carbs, including whole grains and starchy veggies like sweet potatoes. But when it comes to an easily-available food with a massive nutritional punch, beans are as close to a superfood They provide a healthy dose of fiber, which is important for healthy digestion, stable blood sugar, and preventing colon cancer.  Beans are a staple of the traditional Mediterranean diet in the Blue Zones of Greece and Italy, in recipes like minestrone soup or chickpea salad. In areas like Costa Rica, beans are often grown and eaten alongside corn and squash, known as the "three sisters," to make a complete protein source with all the essential amino acids.

    Walk more to lower your risk of dying early

    I get 6-8,000 steps 4-5 times a week. I still swing my left leg like a log because my doctor and therapists COMPLETELY FAILED at curing my spasticity! 

    There's good evidence that exercise plays a major role in keeping us healthy as we age, but fitness routines can be hard to stick to over time. One of the common factors across Blue Zones is that residents get plenty of exercise in their day-to-day routine just by traveling on foot, according to Buettner. "None of them have big biceps or could do a triathlon. They're walking," he said. And you don't have to hit 10,000 steps for health benefits, either, although SuperAgers in areas like Singapore easily log that many without trying, since cars are expensive. Research shows that taking a few thousands steps every day — the equivalent of a 30 minute walk — can help stave off dementia, heart disease, cancer, and other causes of earlier death, especially if you keep a brisk, purposeful pace. A recent study found that adding just 500 to 1000 steps per day is linked to substantially reduced risk of disease, which you can do in less than 15 minutes on your lunch break, on your way to work, or before dinner.

    Spend time with friends and family to add years to your life

    At least twice a week live jazz at bars/restaurants. 

    In the six years since this came out has your competent? doctor told you of this? My definition of competence is keeping up with research in your treatment area.

    Men must drink with male friends twice a week to stay healthy, study finds December 2017


    One of the best ways to boost your health, and your mood, without spending a cent is by building connections with other people, evidence suggests. Loneliness is considered an epidemic, with some research suggesting it's linked to health consequences as smoking, and can shave more than 15 years off your life. In contrast, making and keeping close personal ties, whether that's friendships, family bonds, or romantic partnerships, can help prevent that lost time, according to Buettner. He found that in Blue Zones such as Okinawa, people prioritize creating social circles for community activities like talking, singing, dancing, or even financial support. "There is no pill, no supplement, no blockbuster drug that could give us anywhere near 15 years," Buettner said. "But here in Okinawa, they're getting those years by simply finding friends, committing to those friends, and spending time with those friends every day." That makes your social life more powerful than anything money can buy when it comes to extending your lifespan.

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