Sunday, February 4, 2024

Spatial mapping of posture‑dependent resistance to passive displacement of the hypertonic arm post‑stroke

If you can't explain exactly how this is going to get survivors recovered you did useless research!

 Spatial mapping of posture‑dependent resistance to passive displacement of the hypertonic arm post‑stroke

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Volume 20(163)

NARIC Accession Number: J93319. What's this?
Author(s): Kanade‑Mehta, Priyanka, Bengtson, Maria, Stoeckmann, Tina, McGuire, John, Ghez, Claude, Scheidt, Robert A..
Publication Year: 2023.
Abstract: Study developed a reliable approach for measuring the mechanical consequences of abnormal neuromuscular mechanisms as a function of hand location in the reachable workspace in the post-stroke hemiparetic arm. Survivors of hemiparetic stroke (HS) and neurologically intact (NI) control subjects were instructed to relax as a robotic device repositioned the hand of their hemiparetic arm between several testing locations that sampled the arm's passive range of motion. During transitions, the robot induced motions at either the shoulder or elbow joint at three speeds: very slow (6 degrees per second), medium (30 degrees per second), and fast (90 degrees per second). The robot held the hand at the testing location for at least 20 seconds after each transition. Hand force and electromyographic activations (EMGs) were recorded from selected muscles spanning the shoulder and elbow joints during and after transitions. The hand forces and EMGs were invariantly small at all speeds and all sample times in NI subjects but varied systematically by transport speed during and shortly after movement in the HS subjects. Velocity-dependent resistance to stretch diminished within 2 seconds after movement ceased in the hemiparetic arms. Hand forces and EMGs changed very little from 2 seconds after the movement ended onward, exhibiting dependence on limb posture but no systematic dependence on movement speed or direction. Although each HS subject displayed a unique field of hand forces and EMG responses across the workspace after movement ceased, the magnitude of steady-state hand forces was generally greater near the outer boundaries of the workspace than in the center of the workspace for the HS group but not the NI group.

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Citation: Kanade‑Mehta, Priyanka, Bengtson, Maria, Stoeckmann, Tina, McGuire, John, Ghez, Claude, Scheidt, Robert A.. (2023.) Spatial mapping of posture‑dependent resistance to passive displacement of the hypertonic arm post‑stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation., 20(163) Retrieved 1/30/2024, from REHABDATA database.

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