Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A decision tree algorithm to identify predictors of post-stroke complex regional pain syndrome

Change one word in the title and it won't be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING USELESS! Predictors to Preventors! But until we get survivors in charge directing research stroke will NEVER BE SOLVED!

A decision tree algorithm to identify predictors of post-stroke complex regional pain syndrome


This prospective cohort study aimed to identify the risk factors for post-stroke complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) using a decision tree algorithm while comprehensively assessing upper limb and lower limb disuse and physical inactivity. Upper limb disuse (Fugl-Meyer assessment of upper extremity [FMA-UE], Action Research Arm Test, Motor Activity Log), lower limb disuse (Fugl-Meyer Assessment of lower extremity [FMA-LE]), balance performance (Berg balance scale), and physical inactivity time (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form [IPAQ-SF]) of 195 stroke patients who visited the Kishiwada Rehabilitation Hospital were assessed at admission. The incidence of post-stroke CRPS was 15.4% in all stroke patients 3 months after admission. The IPAQ, FMA-UE, and FMA-LE were extracted as risk factors for post-stroke CRPS. According to the decision tree algorithm, the incidence of post-stroke CRPS was 1.5% in patients with a short physical inactivity time (IPAQ-SF < 635), while it increased to 84.6% in patients with a long inactivity time (IPAQ-SF ≥ 635) and severe disuse of upper and lower limbs (FMA-UE score < 19.5; FMA-LE score < 16.5). The incidence of post-stroke CRPS may increase with lower-limb disuse and physical inactivity, in addition to upper-limb disuse. Increasing physical activity and addressing lower- and upper-limb motor paralysis may reduce post-stroke CRPS.

More at link.

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