Monday, April 29, 2024

Failure at eating from small cups

 All due to my doctor and therapists completely failing at getting my left arm/hand recovered, they did nothing to cure my spasticity! Since I'm tending to my 95 year old Mom we get meals on wheels and there are usually small cups of fruit and pudding/Jello. I have to hope that I have something on the table hefty enough on the table to stop the cup from sliding. The pudding and Jello cups are impossible to get clean with your spoon. My left arm will never rest on the table and stay there and I can't get my fingers open and at the same time get them around the cup. This problem is all because of spasticity of which the ridiculous opinion of Dr. William M. Landau is preventing a solution. I shouldn't hope that schadenfreude hits him but I do.

Spasticity After Stroke: Why Bother?
Aug. 2004)

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