Sunday, June 16, 2024

2024 Elections: Candidate Statement for WFN Elected Trustee Prof. Valery L. Feigin (New Zealand)

This is precisely what is wrong in the neurology world, not just stroke. Promoting 'awareness'; NOT RECOVERY OR RESULTS!

 2024 Elections: Candidate Statement for WFN(World Federation of Neurology) Elected Trustee

Prof. Valery L. Feigin (New Zealand)

Prof. Valery Feigin
Valery Feigin

I am a Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology and Director of the National Institute for Stroke and Applied Neurosciences at  Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (NZ). I am also  a Fellow of the Royal Society of NZ; an Affiliate Professor of the Department of Global Health, University of Washington (USA); Visiting Professor of Capital Medical University (China);  member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on NCD-related Research and Innovation; founder and ex-officio Co-Chair of the GBD Stroke and Neurology Groups; Editor-in-Chief of Neuroepidemiology (IF 5.7) and  Co-Chair of the Global Policy Committee of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) where I also served as a member of the Board of Directors, Co-Chair of the Research Committee, Guidelines Committee, Member at Large and Executive Committee. 

I have  been working with WFN for more than a decade as an active neurology advocate (including the Soriano Award lecture and other public lectures and interviews) and a member of the Neuroepidemiology Speciality Group. Together with 7 other WHO Stroke Advisory Group members for ICD-11, we justified and argued successfully for the reclassification of stroke as a neurological disease, which was endorsed for global use by the UN in 2020. 

My 500+ journal publications (h-index 136) have been  cited >330,000 times, and used for evidence-based guidelines, health-care planning, priority setting, and resource allocation across the globe.

My motivation to become a Trustee of the WFN is to enhance the role of the WFN in the global awareness of  neurological disorders and implementation of evidence-based prevention and management strategies, workforce development and organisation of neurological services to reduce the burden of neurological disorders, with strong emphasis on LMICs. Given my position on the GBD Study, I would also like to ensure that more WFN member are involved as co-authors/lead authors in the GBD Study collaboration.

Prof. Valery L. Feigin, MD, PhD, FRSNZ, FAAN

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