Thursday, September 5, 2024

Association between real-world experiential diversity and positive affect relates to hippocampal–striatal functional connectivity - Or happiness

The readable explanation here: 

The Experiences That Make People Happiest -PsyBlog

Is your competent? doctor getting you recovered enough to experience new locations? Mine didn't but I'm traveling all over and happy as hell.  Bhutan -  August 2023; Spain - November2023; Ecuador - February 2024; Iceland - September 2024; Madeira - November 2024; Australia, next year. Trip to climb Mt. Kilamanjaro in the works, maybe Mt. Fuji also.

The research here:

Association between real-world experiential diversity and positive affect relates to hippocampal–striatal functional connectivity


Experiential diversity promotes well-being in animal models. Here, using geolocation tracking, experience sampling and neuroimaging, we found that daily variability in physical location was associated with increased positive affect in humans. This effect was stronger for individuals who exhibited greater functional coupling of the hippocampus and striatum. These results link diversity in real-world daily experiences to fluctuations in positive affect and identify a hippocampal–striatal circuit associated with this bidirectional relationship.

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