Friday, October 4, 2024

Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training in Poststroke Cognitive Impairment

 But you didn't answer the question. Did they recover the lost 5 cognitive years from your stroke? Do you even know that survivors want 100% recovery? Instead of presenting them with your tyranny of low expectations?

Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training in Poststroke Cognitive Impairment


  • Dya Anggraeni
  • Muhammad Hasnawi Haddani
  • Sri Handayani
  • Rini Nindela
  • Yohanes Febrianto Neurology Departement, RSUP dr. Mohammad Hoesin Palembang



Post-stroke cognitive impairment, neurofeedback training, quantitative electroencephalogram, MoCA-Ina



Poststroke cognitive impairment (PSCI), characterized by cognitive deficits occurring up to 3 months after stroke, poses a substantial burden because this condition can persist and get worse over time. There has been no recommended conventional cognitive rehabilitation method that has a significant effect on cognitive improvement. Neurofeedback training (NFT) based on quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG), emerges as a promising intervention for PSCI. However, research remains limited, necessitating further investigation into its effectiveness and clinical utility. 


 This study assesses the efficacy of NFT in eight PSCI patients over 10 sessions (30 min/session) across 2 weeks with protocol based on qEEG for each patient. 


Significant improvements were observed in total MoCA-Ina scores (mean increase of 2.63 points), particularly in visuospatial/executive, naming, attention, language, delayed recall, and orientation domains. Wilcoxon test indicated a significant improvement (p = .019, effect size: −0, 828) post-NFT. Multivariate analysis revealed no confounding influence of demographic and clinical factors on cognitive improvement. 


 These findings highlight NFT’s potential as an adjunctive therapy in PSCI rehabilitation, warranting further investigation for efficacy of NFT in larger studies and explore its long-term effects on cognitive function and quality of life for PSCI patients.

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