Sunday, October 6, 2024

It just barely works from Seth Godin as applied to stroke rehab

 Stroke rehab is a complete fucking failure!

Here for your edification are most of the failure points!

WHOM IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT? Certainly not the current stroke medical 'professionals'. None of them are working on 100% recovery! With survivors in charge, stroke would get solved.

It just barely works

This is the story of every new software innovation, and in fact, just about everything engineers have ever created.

The first Wright Bros. plane just barely flew.

The first version of VisiCalc was just barely useful.

The earliest bridges were shaky, unreliable and made of vines.

The secret of successful product development isn’t an innovation that bursts forth as a polished and finished product. Instead, it’s sticking with something that is almost useless, nurturing and sharing and improving until we can’t imagine living without it.

[Worth noting that we do the same thing when we learn to walk or to speak a new language–or even visit a new community.]

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