Saturday, February 19, 2011

reading and stroke rehab

When I first started trying to read I would have a difficult
time going from the end of one line to the start of the
next. My speech therapist wold hold the tip of a pencil at
the start of the next line while I read aloud. Her next
trick was to use a ruler under the line I was reading. This
worked as long as the reading material would lay flat. This
problem finally resolved itself in a couple of weeks. In
order for me to read in bed I bought a lap book holder that
had a bar that would hold the book open. Paperbacks are
especially problematic keeping open with one useable hand.
I'm not ever planning on getting a Kindle because I love the
feel of books. I had some left neglect but that resolved fairly soon.


  1. I struggled for a long time to get reading to go smoothly and I still find my left eye gets very twitchy & fatigued far too soon.

    I actually found it to be so much easier to read on my lap top but wasn't sure why. Eventually I realized that I always position the screen on my right side and I am looking a bit sideways. I also tend to use the mouse to help with tracking and I have the light contrast kicked way up.

    I was thinking about borrowing a kindle from my daughter and seeing how it goes.


  2. Hey Dean, I too had the problem of getting lost at the end of a line while reading a book, so devised a bookmark under each line technique to keep track of my place; The biggest trouble I had- and still do - while reading a book is dropping the book and losing my place. I have spent HOURS trying to find my place in books, even when I know exactly what I was reading when I dropped it.

    My solution - and it solves all sorts of problems for me - is an iPad.

  3. Yeah, I still lose my place a lot, trying to one-handedly put in the bookmark and close the book at the same time.The worst is getting a phone call and dropping the book.
