Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Conductive Education at the Peto Institute Hungary

Mainly for CP patients. Sounds like massive neuroplasticity at work. But I'm sure with that dedicated focus it would work on strokees.
Their mission:
Our mission is to show individuals suffering from injuries to the central nervous system and their families the way to a full life and to make society aware of the opportunities to help.
Physician and educator Andras Pető developed his conductive education system after World War II, in 1945. His method opened up a new path for the rehabilitation of children and adults whose motor impairments originate from damage to the central nervous system. His approach was first taught and practised in the predecessor of the Institute now named after him. Conductive education is based on the idea that despite the damage, the nervous system still possesses the capacity to form new neural connections and this ability can be mobilised with the help of a properly guided teaching and learning process. That is the reason why Professor Pető called his method "conductive" (Latin origin).

Conductive education is a holistic integrated education system, which enables people with damage to the central nervous system to learn to overcome the challenges they face.

Conductive education is a process of experiences which leads the person to work with their motor impairments, moving towards increased independence. It is a system which is primarily suitable for people with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, acquired head injury and dyspraxia.

Once again showing that recovery from a stroke is extremely hard work, there are no magical shortcuts.

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