Thursday, October 13, 2011

Leg crossing may signal better recovery for stroke patients

The conclusions from this don't even come close to being scientifically valid. Most likely from smaller strokes. Don't these people think at all?

Leg crossing may signal better recovery for stroke patients

The ability of some stroke patients to cross their legs soon after having a stroke may offer insight into how successfully they will recover, compared to patients who can’t cross their legs. The findings are in a small study published in the journal Neurology.
“Despite having severe strokes that left them with slight loss of movement and even reduced consciousness, we noticed that some people were still able to cross their legs, which is not as easy as it seems,”(Duh, don't look at effects, look at the damage) lead study author Dr. Berend Feddersen of the University of Munich, Germany said in a news release. He notes that if future studies confirm the results of this study, a stroke patient’s ability to cross their legs may give doctors a tool for assessing how well a patient may recover.
University of Munich researchers studied severe stroke patients(There is no repeatable definition of stroke severity) who were admitted to the neurologic intensive care unit (NICU). “Severe stroke” was defined as requiring help with breathing or circulatory help or a high level of neurological monitoring. All medical staff, which includes doctors and nurses, were told to report if the patient crossed their legs during their stay in the NICU, and to note it on the patient’s chart.
During the study period, which was between May 2005 and September 2006, 120 patients were admitted to the NICU with severe stroke. Leg crossing was seen in 34 of those patients during their NICU stay, who were matched to a control group of 34 non-leg crossers, based on age and neurological tests measuring disability and independence. All patients were assessed at admission, when they crossed their legs, when they were discharged from the NICU, and one year later.
While both groups of patients scored similarly upon admission to the NICU, patients who could cross their legs within 15 days after admission to the NICU scored better on tests of ability and independence at discharge from the NICU and one year later. The most striking difference between the two groups was in deaths: Among the leg crossers, one patient died. Among the non-leg crossers, 18 patients – or 53% of the group – died.
Dr. Ralph L. Sacco, who is the Chief of Neurology at University of Miami, as well as the immediate past president of the American Heart Association, says this is a “small study with a curious observation that patients with severe strokes who can cross their legs early in the course of their stroke have a better prognosis. Like any new finding, we need replication in larger samples to know if early leg crossing is as good a prognostic sign as this study seems to indicate.”
Strokes are the third most frequent cause of death in the United States behind heart disease and cancer. On average, an American has a stroke every 40 seconds, according to the American Heart Association.

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