Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Afib Linked to Cognitive Decline

Your doctor should know the reason for your cognitive problems, this new one or these previous ten.
Or is the actual stroke itself?  Ask for proof as to the conclusion.
1. Decline in executive control during acute bouts of exercise
2. Time to Recognize Mild Cognitive Disorder?
3.  Low-T in men
4.  Alcohol intake in the elderly affects risk of cognitive decline and dementia
5.   long-term exposure to particulate matter speeded up cognitive decline in older women.
6.  Older Brains Actually Become ‘Full’
7. Mem­ory Loss Could Be The Fault Of Your Meds, Not Your Age
8. How marijuana makes you forget
9.  Silent strokes -New Clues as to Why Some Older People May Be Losing Their Memory
10.  Doorways - What did I come in here for? Study explains why we forget simple tasks
And the new Afib reason here;
Atrial fibrillation carries a significant risk for cognitive decline, even when stroke is not involved, a meta-analysis found.
In 14 observational and prospective studies of patients with or without stroke, the relative risk of cognitive impairment was 1.40 (95% CI 1.19 to 1.64), according to Jeremy N. Ruskin, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital, and colleagues.
The risk was similar when researchers excluded cognitive impairment and analyzed the studies only for dementia, "which is more reliably diagnosed than cognitive impairment," (RR 1.38, 95% CI 1.22 to 1.56), they reported March 4 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

rest at link.


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