Friday, May 3, 2013

Looking for Stroke Recovery Stories to Help New Stroke Survivors Have Hope - Jeff Kagan

For you writers out there. I haven't decided yet if I want to contribute.  Tell him Dean sent you.
Stroke survivor Jeff Kagan is writing another book called Stroke Recovery Stories. He wants to help new stroke survivors understand what the next few years of recovery will be like and offer them hope and encouragement. His first book is called Life After Stroke.

"If you have recovered from stroke, you are just who new stroke survivors want to hear from. Help me reach these new members of the stroke club, with encouragement and positive thoughts of your story of recovery," says Jeff Kagan.

This new book will be full of stories and encouragement from other stroke survivors, telling their own stories. Survivors can offer a road map to recovery because they were there already.

Stroke is new to people when it hits them and to their loved ones. No one in the family knows what to expect, what to do and what is coming next.

This new book will be filled with positive and encouraging survivor stories.

"Whether you are a survivor yourself, or are family or friend to a stroke survivor, your story can help others," says Kagan.

So, please get in contact with author Jeff Kagan at the email in this release.

“Every stroke is different. That means every recovery story is different. However, all these stories seem to have something in common. A positive, hard working attitude, to get better every day, and the overwhelming desire to fight their way back,” says Jeff Kagan.

“However, tomorrow can still be a bright and happy place full of love and joy. Help me share your story with others who need an encouraging hand on their back to help them step up to the new challenges they face,” says Jeff Kagan.

“Join me in helping new stroke survivors understand the road ahead, by providing them a road map. Let’s help them understand what to expect and what the road to recovery will be like," says Kagan.

“Tell me your survival and recovery story and help me fill the pages of my next book titled, Stroke Recovery Stories Encouraging Stories from Stroke Survivors, with your words and thoughts of encouragement to others who don’t know what to expect next,” says Kagan.

"If you want to share your story and be a part of this new book and eBook, please get in touch with me to discuss," says Kagan.

May is Stroke Awareness Month.

About Jeff Kagan

Jeff Kagan is a Technology Industry Analyst who is regularly quoted by the media over 25 years.

He offers comment on wireless, telecom and tech news stories to reporters and journalists.

Visit his website at to learn more.

Contact: Jeff Kagan by email at jeff(at)jeffKAGAN(dot)com or by phone at 770-579-5810.

Twitter: @jeffkagan


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