Sunday, June 30, 2013

Center of the Brain Funding

I have biases here because I have had several discussions with Billy on this.
Its gotta be better than the existing stroke organizations out there that are just PR producing.
I will have to disagree that the NSA is an excellent organization, I look toward Michael J. Fox Foundation Myelin Repair and the Alzheimers Association as examples to emulate.
This has been tried before, Walter Steinhoff of formerly this forum tried and couldn't make a go of it.
Probably very similar to the 
What is Center of the Brain (COTB) seeking?

~ To create a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization for the rehabilitation of severely injured people (including those with Strokes and Traumatic Brain Injuries)

~ To generate authentically "disruptive" research in order to expedite the diagnosis of severe brain injuries, and to develop & deploy that research.

~  With San Diego as the initial hub for treatment and research, we intend to build a facility which will serve as a worldwide destination for COTB. 

~ Why TCOB? Aren't many excellent organizations and networks available? Indeed they are, as these examples demonstrate.  For sheer neurological data, TBI, Stroke, Et al.  Each of these organizations is focused on a different aspect of brain injury (family participation, political change, medication, etc.): 

***We are developing a riveting focus on immediate help for the person having the severe brain injury including timely, evidence-based rehabilitation, ongoing healing, and access to the latest research. If and when the person's insurance has expired, our intent is to provide care at no-charge.***

We already have a superb group of  MDs, Rehabiltation Therapists, Economists & Financiers, Business Executives, Filmmakers, Musicians  and others who have said they will be on our Advisory Team. 
What we are now doing is simply asking those who want to be involved, however little or large, to donate whatever amount they choose. $10, $100, $250, or other. Your donation can be public or private. See: 

If you want to know more, you can email, skype or call me:
William "Billy" N. Ethridge 
Skype: billy.ethridge
San Diego, CA, USA

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