Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Stem Cells: From Biology to Therapy

Only $299.99 as an eBook for your doctor to get and create stroke protocols for you. As a nookbook only $199.47.
Libraries that have it are in Virginia and Nebraska.


  1. Replies
    1. You know how when they blind taste test wines and the tasters are told that this is a more expensive wine, they rate it higher. If its expensive it must be good.
      Its $300 worth of goodness.

    2. When I write my book, I'm gonna sell it for 3 hundred dollars a copy. Except for you, Dean, I'll give you a copy. I'll waive the $300 fee for you.

  2. Well its going to have to be a barnburner. I currently have 4 stroke books to read;
    Stronger after Stroke, 2nd ed. reread for Peter
    Teaching me to run - reread
    One Arm One Leg 100 Words, Overcoming Unbelievable Hardships
    Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
    and 5-6 other books
