Monday, August 26, 2013

What is your doctor doing the first week you are in the hospital for your stroke?

This is a very serious question. If they are doing nothing then your doctor is a problem you need to solve. Demand to know what s/he is going to do about the neuronal cascade of death. Its from Jan. 2009 so that will tell you a lot about their incompetence.  I would suggest telling them they will not get paid unless they get off their ass and do something positive.
My suggestions with references are here;
What I am going to insist I get after my next stroke

Then ask your doctor how many neurons they are killing; Calculations are provided in this post.

How many neurons is your doctor responsible for killing/not saving?
Sounds like a class action suit that your neurons would have a good chance of winning if they were alive, but they were killed to make sure they couldn't testify in the RICO case.

But since I am not medically trained I should not be listened too and should never point out the nakedness of the medical emperor.

Sorry about that, I was feeling especially ranty today.
Yes, I am still outraged.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone in your outrage. I was in the ER with my symptoms coming and going when I was diagnosed. There we go: from working fine to not working - over and over. Is it not likely that my brain cells were dying right then and there!?!

    No one did anything wrong - there was just nothing they could do because no one has figured out yet how to prevent those cells from dying. Because it is somehow not important that we are going to be disabled for the rest of our lives.

    Ranty myself today, apparently.
