Thursday, September 12, 2013

7 Steps to Reduce Stroke Risk

These are a lot better than the generic blather you get from these;
 Or you can wade through 87 pages from the ASA here;
1.  Guidelines for the Primary Prevention of Stroke

Or 5 pages here; 
2. AHA/ASA Guidelines on Prevention of Recurrent Stroke

Or the NSA ones here;
3. Up to 80 percent of all strokes can be prevented—start reducing risk now

Or the even easier NSA one here;
4.  NSA and its panel of stroke specialists have developed 10 simple guidelines to help you reduce your risk for stroke.

Or this, jump to recommendations
5.  Prevention of stroke. In: Canadian best practice recommendations for stroke care

Or the 60 page slideshow from the European Stroke Organisation;

7 Steps to Reduce Stroke Risk
full details at link

1.  Swallow Nature's Blood Thinner - water

2.  Swig Less Soda

3.  Count to 3- anxiety

4. Hold Your Breath around smoke

5. Beat Homocysteine

6. Pick Up an Iron Supplement - weights not pills

7.  Never Miss Another Flu Shot

Or you could try my specific risk reduction steps like these 11 referenced and specific ideas.


Your choice or you could listen to your doctor.  You never want to listen to me, I'm not medically trained but I do know how to read research and put two and two together. But I can't walk and whistle at the same time.



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