Monday, September 16, 2013

Effects of information and training provision in satisfaction of patients and carers in stroke rehabilitation

Another version of  breaking bad news
A much better use of their time would have been to figure out how to stop the neuronal cascade of death. But laziness rules.
Aizpea Aguirrezabal1, Esther Duarte1, Nohora Rueda1, Cristina Cervantes1, Ester Marco1, Ferran Escalada1
1Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department, Parc de Salut Mar Hospital de l'Esperança, Hospital del Mar. Research group on Rehabilitation, Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques, (IMIM), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


BACKGROUND: Active information and training improves patient and carer knowledge of stroke and aspects of patient satisfaction, as well as reduces patient depression.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of a post-stroke information and carer training intervention provided in the rehabilitation hospital setting on patient and carers' satisfaction.

METHODS: Nonrandomized, controlled trial with 241 patients consecutively admitted in a post-stroke rehabilitation unit and their carers. The first 140 underwent a standard rehabilitation program (control group) and the 131 following attended an additional class (intervention group). Satisfaction was assessed with the Satisfaction Pound Scale administered by telephone 6 months after stroke in 74 patients and 85 carers from the control group and in 76 patients and 73 carers from the intervention group.

RESULTS: Over 80% of patients in both groups were satisfied with information, care and therapy during hospitalization. The amount of therapy and support at discharge were the issues that arouse greater dissatisfaction. Patient and carers' satisfaction with information, support and accessibility to rehabilitation team after hospital discharge improved after the intervention (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Systematic active information, training and community support provision for stroke patients and carers improves satisfaction with stroke rehabilitation programs and support received after hospital discharge.

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