Monday, September 23, 2013

Stroke Thinking?

Does anybody in the stroke medical world do this? There are millions of cases every year. It should be relatively simple for anyone with a modicum of brains and access to a few survivors to come up with improvements.
Don't the ASA, NSA and WSO do anything at all except issue press releases?
You start with these simple statistics and determine what will make them better over time. You do the necessary research yourself instead of hoping a researcher thinks of the experiment and does something about it.
General recovery guidelines show:
10 percent of stroke survivors recover almost completely
25 percent recover with minor impairments - I think I'm here, even though my impairments are not minor
40 percent experience moderate to severe impairments requiring special care
10 percent require care in a nursing home or other long-term care facility
15 percent die shortly after the stroke, I bet with hyperacute treatment stopping the cascade of death this could be reduced substantially.
This is totally pathetic, only 10% recover completely,
If we don't change this thinking for the better your kids and grandkids will have just as bad an experience with recovery as you did.


  1. Dean,
    I found the NIH scale interesting. If it had been used on me at the time I arrived, they would have discounted my stroke. I would have scored 0 or the max 2 in all areas and yet I did have a stroke. I walked into the ER a bit wobbly. I could obey commands and movement with some difficulty. I was alert and oriented. I did exhibit a facial droop and slurred speech. Arm movements were sluggish but responded to commands. Now it took 3 days to get an MRI and total hemiparalysis to set in to show, the AHA moment, I did indeed have a stroke.

  2. I'm surprised anyone has a full Once I was "functional", talk of kicking me out of rehab couldn't come any faster...plateau??? What's that? I never stopped getting better in therapy and I would have worked myself crazy forever if they kept guiding me. I felt I could have had a full recovery if they kept working with me, but how am I supposed to know how to fix myself?? I got the boot early because I was functional...makes me really mad!!

    1. Elizabeth Functional or adaptively able or far different than recovered as you well know. Insurance only pays for the first two because recovered is more expensive and time consuming.
