Saturday, October 19, 2013

34th Annual Neurorehabilitation Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke and other Neurological Disorders

Whether or not your doctor is going. Here are some questions that need answering. Don't passively wait for your doctor to help you. They won't do a damn thing because they don't know a damn thing about 100% recovery. You can easily prove that by asking how to get back to full recovery. You will get the craptastic answer of 'All strokes are different, all stroke recoveries are different' You need to scream in their face that that is a bunch of bullshit.
1. Exactly how does neuroplasticity work? So it can be repeated in clinical research.
2. What percentage of tPA patients fully recover?
3. What percentage of your patients fully recover?
4. When are hyperacute therapies from New Zealand - enzogenol and Japan - edaravone going to make it to the US?

1 comment:

  1. I think you're asking far too much of doctors to ask 100%. To even ask doctors to help patients regain any quality of life at all seems beyond hope. The help and guidance of the medical community ends at their doors, and extends no further.
