Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Successful start to stroke changes say health chiefs

These are appalling performance targets. They need to be measuring 30-day deaths and 100% recoveries. Not this intermediate claptrap. Tell them directly, they do not know what to measure.
HEALTH professionals have hailed a successful start to the new centralised stroke unit for the county.
Patients are now referred to Worcestershire Royal Hospital instead of the Alex if they have had, or are suspected to have had, a stroke with 100 admitted to the new unit during August.
Of those, around half were from Redditch, Bromsgrove or Evesham and 59 were diagnosed as having suffered a stroke.
Five of those received thrombolysis - a clot-busting treatment that can limit damage to the brain if administered quickly enough.
In the same month the Trust admitted 95 per cent of people directly to the unit against a target of 70 per cent and more than 95 per cent of patients spent over 90 per cent of their stay in a specialist stroke bed against a target of 80 per cent.
Bosses at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust said performance targets were already being exceeded and 'excellent feedback' had been received from patients and their carers.
Jane Schofield, interim director of emergency care, said: "This is all part of a bigger journey to make a modern stroke centre in Worcester.
"Centralising services in this way has been trialled nationally and it is proven to save more lives. I'm pleased to say that this move has been a success for our patients."
The unit, which opened at the end of July, is set to undergo further changes in the coming months.

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