Thursday, November 21, 2013

Associations between Results of Post-Stroke NDT-Bobath Rehabilitation in Gait Parameters, ADL and Hand Functions

I couldn't tell from the English abstract if Bobath/NDT was useful or not. You can have your doctor and therapist wade through the 8 pages of Polish. Demand they do that for all their stroke patients, or have them contact their colleagues in Poland. You do expect your doctor to have a worldwide network in all the best stroke therapies? Don't you?
Emilia Mikołajewska
Associations between Results of Post-Stroke
NDT-Bobath Rehabilitation in Gait Parameters,
ADL and Hand Functions
Korelacje między wynikami rehabilitacji metodą NDT-Bobath
z zakresu reedukacji chodu, czynności życia codziennego
oraz funkcji ręki
Rehabilitation Clinic, Military Clinical Hospital No.
10 and Polyclinic, Bydgoszcz, Poland
In patients after a stroke there are variable disorders. These patients often need rehabilitation in more than one area because of multiple limitations of the ability to perform everyday activities.
The aim of the study was to assess correlations – statistical relationships between observed gait parameters, ADL and hand functions –
results of rehabilitation of patients after ischaemic stroke according to the NDT-Bobath method for adults.
Material and Methods.
The investigated group consisted of 60 patients after ischemic stroke, who participated in the rehabilitation programme. 10 sessions of the NDT-Bobath therapy were provided in 2 weeks (10 days of the
therapy). The calculation of correlations was made based on changes of parameters: Bobath Scale (to assess hand functions), Barthel Index (to assess ADL), gait velocity, cadence and stride lenght. Measurements were performed in every patient twice: on admission (before the therapy) and after last session of the therapy to assess rehabilitation effects.
The main statistically relevant corellations observed in the study were as follows: in the whole group of patients: poor and moderate (negative) correlation between changes of gait parameters and Bobath Scale and
Barthel Index, moderate and severe (negative) correlation between changes of gait parameters and Bobath Scale and Barthel Index in the group of women, correlation between changes in Bobath Scale and Barthel Index in the group of patients with left side of paresis, (negative) correlation between changes of gait parameters and Bobath Scale in group of patients younger than 68 years, moderate, high and very high correlations between changes in gait parameters in groups of women, men, younger than 68
years and older than 68 years.
There have been observed statistically significant and favorable changes in the health status of patients, described by gait parameters, changes in hand functions and ADL.
Based on the presented correlations there is an assumption that it is hard to achieve simultaneous recovery in all areas: gait parameters, hand functions
and ADLs in two weeks of rehabilitation (Adv Clin Exp Med 2013, 22, 5, 731–738).

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