Thursday, November 21, 2013

Have You Told Congress to Stop the Therapy Caps Yet?

More proof that the NSA hasn't figured out yet that the therapy silo is not where the focus needs to be. The stupidity continues,if you want less disabled survivors you stop the neuronal cascade of death in the first week. These 177 possibilities need research. If they really want to help existing survivors they would sponsor research that finds out how to make neuroplasticity easily and consistently repeatable.GAH, more proof that 2 functioning brain cells do not exist there.
Todays email.

Stroke Advocacy Network - Take Action

Dear dean,
Stop the Therapy Cap
We’ll give it to you straight. If you haven’t had a chance to tell Congress that access to outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy services must be maintained for stroke survivors on Medicare, do it soon before it’s too late!
On Jan. 1, 2014, Medicare will cap, or limit, outpatient therapy services to a certain dollar amount each year, even if the patient needs more care. Today, a process exists for stroke survivors to get more therapy services than the caps allow. This “exceptions process” lets healthcare providers and stroke survivors decide on a treatment plan that makes sense for the survivor’s recovery, not just Medicare’s financial bottom line. However, the exceptions process is scheduled to expire on Dec. 31. Only Congress can prevent that from happening. Congress has five weeks to take action and extend the exceptions process beyond 2013.
Five weeks seems like a long time. Maybe you haven’t taken action on this issue yet because you’re thinking “oh, this can wait.” But it can’t. Many organizations and individuals are asking Congress to take action on their issues in the short time Congress has left to work in 2013. The stroke community must make its voice heard on the Medicare therapy caps issue to ensure that it gets on Congress’ list of “to do’s” this year.
Take action today on this important issue
We’ve made contacting them easy. We’ve drafted a message that you can personalize and send to your members of Congress.
Five minutes of your time could help stroke survivors across the country who need more therapy than the caps allow to recover to their fullest potential. Join us and make a difference today!
signed by Coral Cosway
Coral Cosway
Director, Policy Advocacy

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