Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why do I focus on Neuronal Cascade of Death? rather than F.A.S.T.?

I believe in doing something positive. With F.A.S.T. there is an incorrect message being put out there that if you just get to a stroke hospital fast enough your stroke can be reversed. With the poor efficacy of tPA(12%) and the few % that actually get it, this is lying by omission. That's why if you can stop all the death cascade processes you will save millions of neurons resulting in much less disability. I know this is assuming that I know more than all the stroke doctors and researchers in the world. Well I do know more than they do, I bet they haven't read and analyzed as many research papers as I have.  And they sure haven't publicly put out their analysis of their strategy forward. And these 31 hyperacute possibilities would be a good starting point.

Damn is the stroke world stupid.

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