Sunday, April 6, 2014

Neurologic Music Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation

Whoopee, they came up with a cute name. This has been proven to work since 2011
But I bet your hospital still does not have a defined musical stroke protocol. You'll have to bring in your own smartphone and hopefully won't choose any dangerous music to listen to. You don't want to prescribe your own music therapy without your doctors knowledge. It's damned dangerous.

Neurologic Music Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation


  1. Too much content-free jargon for me to figure out what to actually DO - does this mean I should listen to music with a 4/4 beat while I walk?

    1. Barb, this is a question for your doctor or therapist to answer. How many years did it take for a music selection approved for doing chest compressions in time with it? Never mind, it seems the research now says music doesn't help with compressions. I'm out-of-date.

  2. Barb,
    I don't know about music, but there was a recent post about using a metronome. It helped me with walking a ton.
