Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Question to Mariell L. Jessup, MD as President American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

Please pass on to Mariel L. Jessup, MD in her responsibility as President
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
In your Stroke Rounds column, can you address the 6 known causes of the neuronal cascade of death and what is being done to solve them?
1.  Excitotoxicity
2.  Glutamate poisoning
3.  Pericytes strangling capillaries
4.  Inflammatory action leaking through the blood brain barrier.
5. Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization as a Key Player in Brain Ischemic Cell Death.
6.   Reperfusion injury
I'm just a simple stroke survivor that wants these solved before my next stroke.
Dean Reinke

Hopefully I can find email addresses for the NSA and WSO. Send these questions to every stroke association in the world and all your doctors, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo, etc. etc.
Everyone of these should know the answer off the top of their head. Anything less than that is pure incompetency. And we need to call them out on that. Its time to knock a few heads.

Dear Mr. Reinke,
Thank you for writing to the Penn Medicine web site.

We have forwarded your e-mail to Dr. Mariel Jessup as indicated in your inquiry. That office or the Penn Medicine Web Team will contact you if more information is required.

We wish you well. Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

Penn Medicine Web Team

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