Saturday, April 26, 2014

Stroke rehab team set up shop to raise awareness of stroke - Hastings and St. Leonard, England

I really wish they would put the onus on the stroke medical team to solve the neuronal cascade of death. Rather than dumping everything on the layperson for prevention. And then not even giving them useful specific stroke prevention tips like these 11 Stroke risk reduction ideas
THE Hastings Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team was out in force to raise the profile of stroke risks at an awareness event in Priory Meadow.
A stand and visual display was set up to encourage members of the public to think about stroke prevention.
Carol Williams, community stroke rehab and intermediate care dietitian, said: “A stroke can be an extremely disabling event not only for the individual but also their family and friends. We were pleased to be able to see so many people and have the opportunity to offer advice about a few small changes they could make to their diet and lifestyle which could help minimise their risk of a stroke.
“We tested people’s blood pressure which is a major risk factor for stroke and advised them on how it can be controlled. This could help to reduce a significant number of individuals and families experiencing the challenges faced after a stroke.”
In the UK there are approximately 152,000 strokes every year and stroke is the leading cause of adult disability.

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