Sunday, July 27, 2014

What should our stroke hospitals have available for all stroke patients

1. Published statistics on death rates, 100% recovery rates. Absolutely necessary since if you don't know what is going wrong you can't correct it. If your hospital doesn't know this you have a failed hospital, never go there.
2. A protocol  on what is being done the first week to stop the neuronal cascade of death. If you get the statement, 'There is no clinical research for any neuroprotective treatment in the first week' as I did from Sparrow hospital in Lansing,MI, run to another hospital as soon as you are stabilized. This is proof that your hospital is not reading research and obviously is not concerned about all of your brain cells they are allowing to die.
3. Written protocols on therapy for penumbra recovery. Including efficacy.
4. Written protocols on dead brain recovery.  Including efficacy.
5. Stroke prevention diet.
6. Specific dementia prevention protocols.  Including efficacy.
7. Spasticity solutions, not the muscle relaxer drugs.
8. Solutions for fatigue.  Including efficacy.
9. Repeatable protocols to get neuroplasticity to work.
10. Cognitive enhancement protocols.  Including efficacy.

Your hospital likely doesn't have any of these, but the real question to be answered is; Are they researching solutions to these on their own?


Like the stupidity of Get With the Guidelines or the Joint Commission guidelines?
If the latter they need to read Seth Godin books, 'Poke the Box' , 'The Icarus Deception' and 'Linchpin'. This means they are a failed stroke center if they don't have a team actively improving their stroke care and protocols.
Start calling your hospital president and DEMAND to know when this will be available in the stroke department. Bypass the stroke department head because if they were good they would already have all this available.

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