Monday, August 25, 2014

Effect of Bhramari pranayama and OM chanting on pulmonary function in healthy individuals: A prospective randomized control trial

And no explanation from supposedly smart researchers. The reason this works is because of the NO - nitric oxide generated by chanting.
Failure at a large scale. Their research leaders should be ashamed of themselves for not knowing this.

Nobel Prize Awarded to Scientists for Nitric Oxide Discoveries


Do you think that maybe this might be helpful immediately post-stroke? Never do this if your doctor doesn't know about this. Breathing hard is dangerous if it is not prescribed and you would show that you know more than your doctor.

Inhalation of nitric oxide could help improve blood flow to ischemic brain 


How to create NO here:

Strong humming for one hour daily to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days : A case report and hypothesis for action by stimulation of endogenous nasal nitric oxide production



Yoga is an ancient Indian science as well as the way of life. Pranayama is a part of yoga, which improves pulmonary function in combination of many pranayama, but the aim of our study is to evaluate the effect of only Bhramari pranayama and OM chanting on pulmonary function in healthy individuals.


A total of 82 subjects were randomized into the study group (SG) (n = 41) and control group (CG) (n = 41). Baseline assessment was performed before intervention for both groups. SG practiced Bhramari pranayama and OM chanting for the duration of 10 min (5 min for each practice)/day for the period of 6 days/week for 2 weeks and CG did not practice so. After intervention post-assessment was performed for SG (n = 40) and CG (n = 39). Statistical analysis was performed by Independent samples t-test and Student's paired t-test with the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 16 (2007, USA).


The result showed a significant improvement in peak expiratory flow (PEF), forced expiratory flow (FEF)25% and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) along with a significant reduction in weight in SG compared with CG in independent samples t-test. Significant improvement in slow vital capacity (SVC), forced expired volume in 1 s (FEV1) along with PEF, FEF25% and MVV; Significant reduction in weight and body mass index were observed in SG unlike in CG in Student's paired t-test. No significant changes were found in forced vital capacity, FEV1 /SVC and FEF50% , between and within the group analysis of SG and CG.


Bhramari pranayama and OM chanting are effective in improving pulmonary function in healthy individuals.

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