Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Major Cause of Dementia Identified Which Could Lead to New Treatments

If silent strokes, aka white matter disease are the probable cause of dementia then the obvious solution is to figure out how exactly to get neurogenesis and neuroplasticity to work. But no, they go down the same failed route of, 'Hey, lets tell people these generic stroke prevention tips', What a goddamn waste of time.
 These paragraphs show the wrong-headed efforts.
“We don’t yet know whether these small strokes are responsible only some or most of the white matter disease seen in older patients.
But in those where it is the cause, the detection of white matter disease on brain imaging should trigger physicians to treat patients aggressively when managing stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking and lack of exercise not only to prevent further strokes, but also to reduce the development of cognitive impairment over time.”
Maybe you want to do this for dementia prevention:
My complete list here:
Dementia prevention 19 ways
Or this for stroke prevention:
Like my 11 Stroke risk reduction ideas. 

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