Sunday, March 15, 2015

Michael Vassar: The Current State of Medical Research is Unacceptable

Others have said the exact same thing, yet our stroke organizations do not seem to be taking any steps to create a strategy to direct research that will solve all the fucking problems in stroke. Does no one in stroke leadership do any leading? Or are they all sheep  just waiting around for somebody else to solve the problem?

A disease appears uncurable, so we don't talk about it. It's easier to talk about the little stuff.


Ruckusmaker day by Steve Jobs


How To Open Up People’s Minds to Change


What are you doing to change the stroke medical world?


"The thinking it took to get us into this mess is not the same thinking that is going to get us out of it."


Dear Mr. Matt Lopez, as Next CEO of National Stroke Association


When Scientists Give Up - Stroke version


Tsunami of stroke


Research: increasing value, reducing waste


And the latest:

Michael Vassar: The Current State of Medical Research is Unacceptable 

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