Wednesday, March 25, 2015

THE effects of grounding earthing on inflammation the immune response wound healing and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

IF this actually works and for all the 14 pages expended trying to explain it I still do not see a cause and effect that is explainable via the grounding effect.  THEN our doctors should be clamoring to prove its applicability to reducing the inflammation in our arteries. Our thousands and thousands of neurologists and cardiac doctors should all come to the same conclusion. But that would mean that these articles refuting  earthling are incorrect:
And more positive stuff from here;
Wow, argument from antiquity
I could use the same argument style to prove bloodletting, trepanation and leeches work.

For explanations of why this doesn't work.
1. The Red Flags of Quackery v2

2. Earthing: Medical Discovery or Quack Scam?
3.Earthing This is just one of many pseudosciences that fits into the “just make shit up” category.
4. Debunking Earthing The only thing that Earthing in itself seems to be is a bunch New Age woo and energy woo.

Have at it apologists, with quoted research linking cause and effect directly.

THE effects of grounding earthing on inflammation the immune response wound healing and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases 

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