Friday, June 12, 2015

Last Chance to have your gift matched - National Stroke Association

Sorry Mr. Lopez,
I don't consider anything you are doing in stroke right now useful. If you want to be useful you will lay out a strategy to solve all the problems in stroke and take on the challenge of solving them yourself  by sponsoring research into solutions. This press release crap has to stop. You are not telling us anything about what you have solved, just asking for more money. This is hopeless, why do you even have stroke in your name?
Dear Friend,
Donate nowTime is running out to double your gift and help us reduce the impact of stroke. Each year, National Stroke Association® works to support the growing and changing needs of the nearly 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S. We’re committed to improving the lives of those we serve and rely on the support of friends, like you, to meet those needs.
With your help we can:
  • Increase awareness of life-saving stroke information
  • Impact and aid survivors to improve quality of life for the stroke community
  • Build a national platform for the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.
Please join us today by making a gift. Every dollar makes a difference. And right now, your gift can go twice as far thanks to our matching gift sponsor, Bioness.
Thank you for your support, it means so much.
signed by Matt Lopez, CEO
Matt Lopez

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