Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Taking Stock of the Latest Research in Parkinson’s Disease Management: A Clinical Update From Washington, DC

Where the fuck is the similar presentation for stroke? We have no one in the ASA, NSA or WSO that is competent enough to put together a 13 minute presentation on this? THAT IS A COMPLETE FAILURE OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THOSE ORGANIZATIONS. 
Robert A. Hauser, MD, MBA
Professor of Neurology, Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology
Director, USF Health Byrd Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center of Excellence
National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence
Tampa, Florida

1 comment:

  1. Dean,
    I listened to the link, but NA to me since I am not MS, however, I checked for other info on info and found this one on spasticity:

    I do all the stuff they talk about. I take 40mg of baclofen per day and I am getting Botox #7 on 6/19/15 and will be tested for a baclofen pump next week. So my physiatrist is trying everything they talk about.

    None of this really fixes anything, but it appears to be all the doctors have to offer besides referring me to OT & PT, which I do 2 to 4 hours a day. My experience is slow steady improvement since my stroke 2 years ago, Like you often say, the medical community really does not know how to fix hemiplegia and is very frustrating, since I have a long way to go to fully recover.

    Keep up the good work & the pressure on!
