Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Six Ways To Stay Motivated When You Really Want To Quit - Stroke rehab

You're going to feel like quitting numerous times from your stroke rehab because you are seeing no progress and your doctor gives you no assurances that anything you are doing is going to help. You have to somehow pull out your internal motivators to get to your best recovery. Your doctor and psychologist should be providing you with the tools needed to persevere. But since it is very unlikely that they have maybe this will help you keep going. This is not medical advice since I'm not qualified to give that. So don't listen to me, I know nothing.
 We all hit a wall—a place where we feel like quitting because things get difficult or boring—but quitting isn’t always the right answer. Instead, you have to find internal motivation to keep going when you really want to bail, and that can come down to understanding kinematics, the relative distance between two bodies, says Stanford University Professor Bernard Roth, author of The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life.

1. Practice Looking At Things From The Other Side

2. Identify Your Intention

3. Find A Different Way To Do Things

4. Lose Your Ego

5. Realize That Nothing Is Perfect

6. Beware Of Your Habits

 More at link.

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