Monday, November 23, 2015

Feeling grateful for you today - National Stroke Association email

I'm not grateful for the NSA. Reasoning below in red. And Matt Lopez is even a stroke survivor and should know better.
Dear dean,
Matt Lopez
Come Back Strong Blue White
As 2015 comes to a close, I am excited about the lives that have been saved and impacted by the work of National Stroke Association. This year, we launched Stroke Recover Navigator—a game-changer for anyone who has experienced the life-altering effects of a stroke. This impactful program helps stroke survivors in those confusing and frightening first few months when they have left the hospital and are trying to make sense of their new life. Then, this summer, Come Back Strong was unveiled. With the launch of the Come Back Strong movement, our goal is to provide stroke survivors with hope after stroke so they can begin their journey to recovery and Come Back Strong. Have you gotten involved with the Come Back Strong movement yet? This Come Back Strong initiative wouldn't be  necessary if you would create protocols that get survivors back to 100% recovery. More important if you solved and prevented the neuronal cascade of death. You aren't even solving the problems out there. You're trying to ameliorate the aftereffects. Damn it all, use some of your fucking neurons and understand cause and effect.
This year, I am so grateful for your support.
I am giving thanks this year to you. We have a passion for increasing awareness of life-saving stroke information, improving quality of life for stroke survivors and caregivers, and impacting survivor empowerment. Because of you, this important work will continue.
The next year is going to be exciting. We look forward to sharing with you more new resources and programs that continue to reduce the incidence of stroke and improve your quality of life. You have told us what your greatest needs are(Really, I haven't been contacted) and we look forward to continuing to meet those needs.
Thank you for trusting us to be the voice of the stroke community. I don't trust you because you have no outreach to survivors. Look at what a great stroke association would be doing for outreach.
With thanks,
signed by Matt Lopez, CEO
Matt Lopez
CEO, Stroke Survivor
National Stroke Association

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