Ask your physical therapist for the exact same analysis of your gait problems. You do expect your therapist to know this stuff to help you recover? Don't you? Instead of any actual objective analysis from my therapist, I got the useless, 'Walk this way' demonstration.
This study investigated timing and coordination during the swing
phase of swing leg, body center of mass (CoM) and head during walking
people with multiple sclerosis (MS; n = 19) and controls (n =
19). The MS group showed differences in swing phase timing at all
speeds. At imposed but not preferred speeds, the MS group had less time
to prepare for entry into the unstable equilibrium, as the CoM entered
this phase of swing earlier. Time-to-contact coupling, quantifying the
coordination between the CoM and the swing foot, was not different
between groups. The projection of head motion on the ground occurred
earlier after toe-off and was positioned closer to the body in the MS
group, illustrating increased reliance on visual exproprioception in
which vision of the body in relation to the surface of support is
established. Finally, prospective control, linking head movements to the
swing foot time-to-contact and next step landing area, was impaired in
the MS group at higher gait speeds.
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