Thursday, January 14, 2016

6 Ways Alcohol Can Be Unexpectedly Good For Your Mind And Brain

I think I covered most of these already, but you probably need the research support to counteract your doctors reflexive prohibition against all alcohol.
Mine are here:

Alcohol for these 12 reasons.  

They did miss the extremely important one for survivors. The extra balance training you get will make that part of recovery so much faster - don't do this.

1. Better cognitive function

Moderate consumption of wine is linked to higher performance on cognitive tests, research has found.

2. You look more attractive

One or two glasses of wine can make the drinker look more attractive to others, a new study finds.
Three or four glasses, though, does not make a person look more attractive than when they are sober.

This is different to the ‘beer goggles’ effect, which is well known: that alcohol makes other people look more attractive.

3. Lower Alzheimer’s risk

One drink a day (or less) for women and 1-2 drinks (or less) for men reduces the risk of developing dementia, a study has found.

4. Lower risk of depression

Wine drunk in moderation can reduce the risk of developing depression, research finds.

5. Better memory for the past

For people over 60, light or moderate alcohol intake is associated with better recall of past events, according to a recent study.

6. Improved spatial memory

One to three glasses of champagne each week could slow memory loss from ageing, recent research finds.

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