Might be hard to reproduce this in humans. But we should know whether sex with familiar females increases hippocampal neurogenesis? And what about the females? Inquiring minds want to know these answers. Why would sex have any relation to neurogenesis?
Recent experiments have shown that sexual interactions prior to cell
proliferation cause an increase in neurogenesis in adult male rats.
Because adult neurogenesis is critical for some forms of memory, we
hypothesized that sexually induced changes in neurogenesis may be
involved in mate recognition. Sexually naive adult male rats were either
exposed repeatedly to the same sexual partner (familiar group) or to a
series of novel sexual partners (unfamiliar group), while control males
never engaged in sexual interactions. Ovariectomized female rats were
induced into estrus every four days. Males were given two injections of
5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) (200mg/kg) to label proliferating cells,
and the first sexual interactions occurred three days later. Males in
the familiar and unfamiliar groups engaged in four, 30-min sexual
interactions at four-day intervals, and brain tissue was collected the
day after the last sexual interaction. Immunohistochemistry followed by
microscopy was used to quantify 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine-labeled cells.
Sexual interactions with unfamiliar females caused a significant
reduction in neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus compared to males that
interacted with familiar females and compared to the control group. The
familiar group showed no difference in neurogenesis compared to the
control group. There were no differences in the amount of sexual
behavior (mounts, intromissions, ejaculations, or contact time) that the
familiar and unfamiliar groups engaged in, indicating that the
differences in neurogenesis were not due to the relative amounts of
sexual activity. In a second experiment, we tested whether this effect
was unique to sexual interactions by replicating the entire procedure
using anestrus females. We found that interactions with unfamiliar
anestrus females reduced neurogenesis relative to the other groups, but
this effect was not statistically significant. In combination, these
results indicate that interactions with unfamiliar females reduce adult
neurogenesis and the effect is stronger for sexual interactions than for
social interactions.
How does letting rats have sex with unfamiliar rats help human stroke survivors? Who funds this kind of research?