Monday, April 4, 2016

The celebration continuues! National Stroke Association - Three decades of having a meaningful impact

Have you actually talked to ANY survivors to see if there has been anything to celebrate in the past 32 years coming from the NSA.  I thought not. Notice the new CEO. Stroke survivor Matt Lopez did not last long as the head of the NSA. If I can figure out her email she will get my thoughts on the NSA.  If the NSA is any good at all they will have tons of opposition research on me already, refuting everything I say.
Dear dean,
This month, we’re celebrating more than three decades of having a meaningful impact.(REALLY???) Your gift today of $32 ensures that survivors and caregivers are not alone in navigating life after stroke.
This year 795,000 people in the U.S. will have a stroke. While anyone can be impacted by stroke, we know that more women than men will have a stroke this year; minority populations will be disproportionately affected; and stroke is rapidly increasing in the younger population.
Each stroke experience and recovery journey is as unique as the person impacted. We continue to develop innovative resources, programs, and tools for the survivor community and their vital circle of care. Because of your investment, our resources are working:
  • 86% of stroke survivors make behavioral changes as result of our programs
  • 70% of caregivers feel as if they have access to tools that allow them to feel supported
Through our Faces of Stroke℠ campaign, survivors share their stroke stories, celebrate come back journeys, and find a community among other survivors. Our Careliving Community provides an outlet for the special needs of caregivers. Our Stroke Recovery Navigator℠ program provides personal support to stroke survivors and caregivers as they navigate the health, financial, and emotional struggles that can come after a stroke.
These are just a few of the free resources that your gift of $32 supports. As we celebrate another year, we invite you to make a gift today to encourage and serve those touched by stroke.
Donate now
Robyn Moore

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