Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Virtual reality gaming in the rehabilitation of the upper extremities post-stroke

Virtual reality proof of efficacy has been out there for years now. Somebody write up a fucking protocol, that might be the only way stroke departments will ever get it. Why is everyone WAITING FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM?  Dammed lazy assholes.


Stop waiting and start doing, your stroke patients are expecting you to help them. 


Michael Yatesa*, Arpad Kelemena & Cecilia Sik Lanyib


Background: Occurrences of strokes often result in unilateral upper limb dysfunction. Dysfunctions of this nature frequently persist and can present chronic limitations to activities of daily living.
Methods: Research into applying virtual reality gaming systems to provide rehabilitation therapy have seen resurgence. Themes explored in stroke rehab for paretic limbs are action observation and imitation, versatility, intensity and repetition and preservation of gains. Fifteen articles were ultimately selected for review. The purpose of this literature review is to compare the various virtual reality gaming modalities in the current literature and ascertain their efficacy.
Results: The literature supports the use of virtual reality gaming rehab therapy as equivalent to traditional therapies or as successful augmentation to those therapies. While some degree of rigor was displayed in the literature, small sample sizes, variation in study lengths and therapy durations and unequal controls reduce generalizability and comparability.
Conclusions: Future studies should incorporate larger sample sizes and post-intervention follow-up measures.


  1. I am almost 3 years post stroke and I am very frustrated VR and similar devices for rehab are not available yet and do not understand what the holdup is!
    When I ask my physiatrist & therapist about this type of "technical rehab" I was told it most likely just be frustrating and expensive for me. They know insurance & medicare will not pay and no one seems to have proven anything really works in chronic stroke rehab.
    Even so, why can't I rent a home set for a few months and see if I improve?

    1. Ah, entering my world of frustration. I have enough brains and persistence if there was any intervention out there proven to work I would do it.
