Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Dietary inflammatory potential is linked to cardiovascular disease risk burden in the US adult population

Useless piece of information unless YOU know or can find out what dietary inflammatory potential is and how to stop it. So this is all up to you. You don't really expect your doctor to actually create a diet protocol out of this, DO YOU? 
International Journal of Cardiology
Tyrovolas S, et al. – Researchers performed this study using data from the continuous National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) (2007–2012) to assess the link between dietary inflammatory potential and cardiovascular diseases risk factors (CVD–RFs) in a nationally representative sample of non–institutionalized US adults. Findings suggested an association between pro–inflammatory dietary patterns, as assessed by the DII, and increased odds for CVD–RFs in US adults aged ≥20 years. It was realized that dietary guidelines aimed at lowering the DII would be beneficial in reducing the CVD–RF burden in US adults.


  • Researchers obtained data on dietary habits and CVD-RFs (obesity; diabetes mellitus; hypertension; hypercholesterolemia) in a sample of 7880 non-institutionalized US adults aged ≥20 years.
  • They summed the total number of CVD-RFs for each individual to create a CVD-RF morbidity index (range 0-4) as the outcome variable, used both as ordinal and dichotomous (no CVD-RFs versus at least one CVD-RF) variables.


  • Findings revealed that the association between the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) and at least one CVD-RF was dose-dependent, with participants in the 3rd and 4th quartile of DII (i.e., more pro-inflammatory dietary habits) being 1.37 (95%CI = 1.11-1.68) and 1.50 (95%CI = 1.19-1.90) times more likely, respectively, to have at least one CVD-RF, as compared to participants in the 1st quartile of DII scores.
  • In addition, researchers obtained similar results for the ordinal logistic regression using the CVD-RF morbidity index as the outcome.


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